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Henna Care

Avoid moisturizers for 24 hours on area to be hennaed. Have a shower prior to your henna application as you will not be able to get the design wet for some time. Lightly exfoliate the area during your shower. You will not be able to do much with henna on your hands, get anything you want done before hand. If you are having extensive henna done wear comfy clothes that are easy to remove with two finger tips or wear pyjamas :)

Some fake tans kill henna, so if you plan to have it, do it two days before or two days after your henna. Another possibility is immediately after your henna application. The best way to manage this is to do your shower and exfoliation immediately prior to your henna appointment then keep the paste on during the spray tan. As long as the area does not get too wet (ie running) then the henna will be fine and you can have both without them interfering with each other.

Keep the paste on for a minimum of 2 hours, overnight is best if possible for longer lasting and deeper colour. For areas on the torso 2 hours may not be sufficient. Try to keep it on for at least 6 hours

You will need to keep the design warm for maximum stain. However when the paste is still on your skin, do not allow it to sweat more than very slight moisture as it will cause the paste to run. In cool weather you will need to keep it warm for a day or two after the paste is off as well. Keep it dry for as long as possible, minimum 8 hours (ie overnight) or up to 24 hours for special occasion henna like Bridal work. Cover design with vaseline, lip balm, paw paw ointment, sudocream, or some other barrier cream when showering or swimming to keep water off. This is important as water will inhibit the stain development and it will stay orange, or fade too quickly. Chlorine pools will bleach your henna stain quickly.  Washing up gloves with a rubber band or hairband around the open end are handy for showering. In summary...





  moisturize (avoid alpha-hydroxy moisturizers)
  cover design with vaseline, lip balm, paw paw ointment, or some other barrier cream when showering or swimming to keep water off. 




  fake tan


  fake tan
  bleaches (e.g. cleaning products, pool water)
make sure to cover design with vaseline, lip balm, waterproof sunscreen, or some other barrier cream when showering or swimming to keep water off. This is essential as water will inhibit the stain development and it will stay orange, or fade too quickly.

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